Vocal Technique and Warmups - Videos and Sharing

Beginning this week, I'll be posting videos of the warmups and vocalises I use regularly in my teaching. I used to think of these as proprietary, and think that keeping them semi-secret would preserve my unique teaching style and ability. In addition to being self-absorbed and vain, I now believe this notion is actually practically false as well. Sharing information with students and teachers, both close to me and in the vast online vocal community will only improve my teaching and ability to help singers. I hope to get feedback on my teaching, engage in dialogue with other vocal pedagogues, and help students I don't have time to see regularly or who aren't in the Bay Area. I'm going to throw this stuff out there and try radical openness for a change, and I bet it will be fun and fruitful. Please let me know what you think by commenting on my YouTube Channel, and please subscribe!


Currently, I am working with several young students who have been singing pretty high in chest voice—well above their lower passaggio. To give them another option besides that belt voice, we worked a little on this exercise of nudging the head voice downward in range. Their goal (for now) is to be able to sing D4 in a clear head tone. This tone will strengthen in volume and resonance with practice. These are rudimentary exercises, but many young singers need simple tools and lots of repetition to assimilate new vocal skills.